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after the love. :)


i hate you barbie!

arianne ross, this one is for you.

we all know that barbie is one hot chic! and barbie is so famous. but why do i hate her so much? well, for one thing, i think barbie should be banned. (LOL!) no offense. really, barbie is giving children the wrong thoughts and everything that comes along with it. i mean, little kids who are rich enough to afford to buy her barbie a castle would nevertheless, have second thoughts of mocking their parents to buy her barbie a castle or she will slit her throat.

barbie is giving so many false thoughts to kids these days. marga, no offense. she teaches kids to be glamorous and live life like its a runway show. that is so pathetic. i mean, c'mon! what about those kids who cant afford to but a real barbie and instead buy those paper barbie dolls? (i am so hating barbie right now that my thoughts just cant seem to come up together)

another thing is that, she teaches girls to be materialistic. i know her movies now dont really show that kind of attitude because her movies are adapted from well-known fairy tale stories, only that she brings it to life with her as the face and her story line being connected to the real story of the movie. (e.g. THE NUTCRACKER, SWAN PRINCESS, etc...)

ungh...see? my thoughts just cant come together.

you know what triggered me to hate barbie? well...here's the story.

yesterday, my niece brought her mom's phone to school. earlier, she was warned not to bring the phone with her because its one of the house rules, that she can never use her mom's cellphone nor anybody else's when its a school day. moving on, she insisted that she bring the phone to school because she just wants to brag it to her BFF's and that she would take care of it and bring it back home in one piece.

and would you be very kind as to guess what happened?

well, its quite obvious now...the phone was stolen right under her nose. she left the pouch where the phone was kept in her bag because they had to attend mass somewhere in the school grounds and when she came back to check the phone...*poof!* it was gone. sad to say, they never found out who nicked it off her bag when she and her mom went back to school after lunch. the kid who took it never showed up for the afternoon sessions and that was it.

my niece is so materialistic...she is such a braggart...and i hate her! for one thing, she idolizes barbie so much. when she was little, she always comes up to my dad (her so-called grandfather and i dont know why...) and asks my dad to buy her barbie stuff. from undies to tops, to jeans, to shoes, to bags, to hair accessories and even toiletry products, all are in the color pink with barbie's face on it. ungh! i really hate her...i really hate barbie!

there. i think this is the end of the post. i dont want to elaborate any further about my angst with barbie. the end.


arianne ross, this one is really for you. hate barbie! hate pink!

marga...no offense. peace out.