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after the love. :)



it pays to watch tv these days. im thankful for not being able to use the computer and make an update as often as i do coz i got stuck with nothing to do but watch tv.

last night, one of the few news that made a buzz was MR. TED FAILON's wife got shot. yip. if you have'nt heard of it yet, might as well watch the tv then coz there are updates about it every hour along with other issues that made a buzz in our country today.

if you dont know MR. TED FAILON, well, he is one of the news anchor of TV PATROL and an announcer over at DZMM. last night, his wife was found dead in their own bathroom. the weird thing about this issue is that the main suspect is MR. TED FAILON himself.

he admitted that he and his wife had a big fight and that he never thought that something like this would happen. aside from the fact that his wife left him a letter saying that she greatly apologizes for their fight and all, he is still the major suspect of this incident. in his defense, he stated that it is impossible for him to shoot his own wife since he wasn't with her at the time when her wife was found in their bathroom. for one thing, he was at work in the morning and his wife was at home and when he came home that night (the same day) his wife wasn't at home so, it is clear that there is no way that he could've done the crime. aside from that, why would he kill his own wife? the only woman that he loved?

but this didn't make the authorities all soft and believed him at once. they are still not convinced and just recently, he was apprehended to come to the police station to give another statement about what happened and again, it made another buzz because he refused to go with the authorities. according to him, why would he surrender himself willingly to the police for another statement when in fact, he already said what he had to say and that he answered what the police had asked him. another thing is that, the police weren't able to secure a warrant of arrest. clearly, under the law, it is a "no no" to force somebody to come along with them if they dont have the proper documentations so, there.

my opinion about this is that, it really is impossible for him to do such a crime, i mean...his statements are clear and he is still in his right state of mind, unless if they can prove that FAILON is sick in the head and is going mad, then that is the time that i would side with the so-called good guys in the society. another thing is that, how could someone like TED FAILON do such a thing? a known journalist in his own right be a criminal and the worst, to his own wife? i mean...really, is he that sick in the head or what? prove it then.

besides, he admitted that they (he and his wife) had a big argument and he said that, if its regarding money matters, he can always find ways on how to solve it. but then, people just cant stop imagining things and that they are way too smart and started to spread around a rumor saying that his wife is "nangangaliwa". c'mon, cant you be more creative than that? this ain't no street side story. it involves known people and something that shallow, be the reason behind all this?